A Useful Video.

This popped up on my YouTube feed today:

It's very useful to me as a reference for Schinkendorf, as it shows factory workers and their environment at around the time the layout is set, both in East and West Berlin. 

While most of the workers in the East Berlin factory are wearing blue overalls, some wear ordinary work clothes, there's little in the way of modern Personal Protection Equipment (I suspect the one chap wearing a safety helmet may be a supervisor or similar) which pretty much affirms my choice of attire for the workers at Schinkendorf's small factory. 

How much visible difference there would have been between them and their contemporaries in the West, (I suspect the red overalls in the "West" footage are a Siemens thing) I don't know, though I suspect they'd have looked fairly similar...this is just as well, as Schinkendorf is primarily a DB layout!

Actually, having looked through the video, it seems that I could probably get away with running the layout as either DB or DR by just changing rail and road vehicles and perhaps a few GDR flags in the latter case...


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