Lightening The Road.

I've been looking at prototype photos again, always a dangerous thing!
Among others was a photo of Obing Station in Bavaria, which shows the yard and areas around the track to have been a lot lighter than I'd originally finished it. 
There were also a few areas that had picked up a bit of staining, no idea where from but it looked pretty pants.
So...a quick trip to Hobbycraft yielded some acrylic paints, Concrete and Mouse Grey were mixed to give a good base colour, this was then brushed over with several shades of weathering powders.
I also added some fencing, along the back of the yard there's now a section of rustic wooden fencing which gives way to decidedly non-rustic Armco-style barrier.
I wasn't happy with the greenery, too much in some places (the trees were hiding much of the station so were reduced), not enough in others (contemporary prototype photos show a lot of grass, weeds, etc. so more was added in likely places. 
Following all this, it was time to clean the track and test run, then pack the layout, stock, etc. ready for its appearance at the French Railways Society Summer Rendezvous at Ashstead tomorrow. 
A couple of crappy photos below, these may be replaced with better ones at some point...


  1. A noticeable visual improvement Simon, hope the show went well.

  2. Thanks James, yes, it did! Plenty of interest in the layout although the thing I had the most questions about was the 3-section Peco Loco Lift that I use to take the railbus set on and off the layout!


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