More Beet (1).

To provide a reason for beet traffic at Schinkendorf, there needs to be a lorry to tranship it from.

I'd already settled on the blue MB tipper bought for £3 from the antique centre in Church Stretton, so decided to make up a couple of different loads for it, each with the (part) load slightly differently distributed.

Cut from blue builders foam and painted with dark brown "craft" acrylic paint, so far they look like this:

As it seems that the beets would have been tipped from the lorry and then loaded from the ground with a bagger, I decided to try making a load depicting this "in action" so to speak. It's made from two sections, glued and pinned together and currently waiting for the PVA to set fully before applying paint:

There's actually more of a rounded shape to the loads than you can see in the photos; anyway, once the beet is added it'll all look a lot more amorphous. 


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